Letter from Editor – Fall 2019

I want to be known as a person who is understanding. I don’t want to be known as a judgmental or mean person. When I look at this fun picture called a…


Part 1 Nothing new under the sun, Solomon wrote. Seventy-seven years ago, first love, first date . . . alcohol. She said no, he said yes. She resisted, he insisted. She got…

Every Woman’s Battle: How Self-care Helps You Win

Let’s talk about something every woman battles: sex and love addiction. You know about that hunger you feel when you can’t seem to get enough love. Even when you get what you…

What is the Worth of My Body?

I can remember it as if it were yesterday. When I was nine years old, we were evicted from our home. My mother worked two jobs, so she took us to stay…

CĂłmo hacer frente a las vacaciones sin tus hijos

Estar sin tus hijos a largo plazo es duro en cualquier momento del año, pero durante las celebraciones de fin de año puede ser brutal. Miles de emociones pueden invadir tu mente…

holding cardboard house in hand

CĂłmo Sobrevivir a la PĂ©rdida del Hogar

Es posible sobrevivir y recuperarse a la falta de hogar. He estado sin hogar seis veces en mi vida. De joven estuve tres veces sin hogar, sin contar las veces que estuve…

lady and boy

De vuelta a mis brazos – El reencuentro con tus hijos

No es suficiente decir que me considero bendecida de muchas maneras. Me siento extremadamente bendecida por mi relaciĂłn con mis hijos. ÂżPor quĂ©? Porque estuve encarcelada y separada de ellos durante siete…

lady and boy

Back In My Arms – Reuniting With Your Kids

It’s an understatement to say that I count myself blessed in so many ways. I am extremely blessed because of my relationship with my children. Why? Because I was incarcerated for seven…

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