Sister Sister

Ana Allen

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Sometimes while we are getting our lives together, we have to live — shall we say, a little too close to each other — in the housing provided. Here is something to help you get along with each other.


Though not of the same blood or born the same mother, we have the same Father in heaven.

When you cry, I cry, and when you laugh, I laugh. No matter how hard life may get, it won’t matter because we’ve already been through our worst.
When you found your way out of the darkness, I was here waiting to hear how you made it out.

As my sister in Christ, I am your keeper. I’ll get on your nerves, I’ll tire you out, I’ll make you scream — maybe even make you fuss me out. I’ll make you say, “I’ve had enough,” but I’ll never make you feel like you’re alone. I’ll never make you feel like I don’t have your back. I’ll never let you forget how proud I am of you. I’ll never let you think less of yourself. I’ll never let you think that your past determines who you have become today.

My sister, you are the parts of me that God knew I needed, but, with my big head, it wasn’t happening, so He blessed me with you.

Sisters, though the path may seem rough, don’t give up; I can’t let you and I won’t allow it! When I was ready to give up, you held me in place and taught me how to keep the enemy from taking what is for me.

Your caring ways caused me to care about you. I cried to be a part of your educational journey as you learned to read.

I cried to realize I made you feel hurt by my mistakes. And I cried to have you boot my self-esteem each day. Back and forth we went. I cried to have you excited about my creativity. I cried to have you trust me. I cried to have you always have my back as my sisters. I cried when you got hurt deeply in any way.

When I am alone, I cry tears of joy, tears of understanding, tears of growth, and tears because I see that people can truly care.

To be loved and called your sister means more to me than you all may see. I love you all for everything you try to teach me. I love you for knowing that my child means the world to me, and for you all loving him as well.

How did I get so blessed with such sisters? Yes, we stress! Yes, we fight! And yes, sometimes we act like we can’t live with one another, but we still love one another. That is the true love of sisters.

God blessed me so, and I need you all to know that, to me, you play a part in the recovery of my heart and mind.

My sisters, THANK YOU for LOVING me – for seeing the BEST in me – even when I don’t feel worthy. Thank you for helping me grow, no matter what!



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