Special Edition pops eyes wide open in understanding

At Manna Ministry, which provides hot lunch to whomever wants it 3 times a week, we had planned to give the special Thanksgiving/Christmas edition of Reach UP Magazine at the Christmas outreach when the maximum number of people come. However, upon seeing the magazine I thought it would be great to give it out today so people could have the benefit of the whole issue.
When I arrived at Manna today, I spoke with one of the leaders named Ketsey. She is not the director, and didn’t even know about the magazine yet but agreed we should give it out today. She was very excited to hear that it had practical tips about how to make the most of the holidays without a lot of money, as well as faith articles.
When Ketsey saw the magazine cover she gasped! “Reach UP!” she exclaimed. “The devotion I am sharing today before the luncheon is called “Look UP”! She immediately saw the connection between what God had given her to share in the devotion with the premise of the magazine – to reach up and look up to God!
After the devotional time in the sanctuary, the guests came to the fellowship hall for lunch. They came right up to me, eager for a copy of this “book.” 🙂 They were so happy to receive it and I noticed they treated it like it was valuable. I also heard comments that the magazine is “pretty” — aesthetically pleasing, which is one of Reach UP’s goals. They also thought the 2-in-1 design of this special edition was cool and fun.
Afterwards, I asked Ketsey what she shared that made the people so eager for the magazine. She had talked about the true story of a man who had one time found $5 on the ground and since that time – years – he walked around with his head down, sure he would find more money (which he didn’t). She talked about the benefits and importance of looking up instead. Then she told them I’d be giving each of the ladies a copy of this magazine and showed it to them. Their eyes got wide and mouths dropped open when they saw the name of it — Reach UP.
The story God had Ketsey share in the devotion time totally connects with not only the name of the magazine, but also the article “You Have Now” AND the one about giving $21 and then stepping on a $20 bill. That woman did not have to constantly look down on the ground to receive what she needed. She was busy doing God’s work and He provided for her. I’m excited about when the women read these articles they’ll say, “WOW! That is just what Ketsey was talking about!” and see God in it.
I should say the women and one man – because a man walked right up to me and said he wanted a copy of Reach UP.
Ketsey also shared with everyone that the magazine has tips on how to enjoy the holidays without much money, and told of how her most memorable Christmas was one where she used a bare branch as a tree, just like the article said. 🙂
Also, it just so “happened” that I was not needed to help make plates of food in the kitchen this week, although I always do. This freed me up to give Reach UP out personally at the tables to women who came in later and to have conversations with people. With some ladies I pointed out the article on reaching your goals now. It was a great conversation starter. One lady named Michelle said, “Oh! This is just what I need! I really want to go back to college this year and this will help me!”
Yes, all that I’m sharing are details, but this is our God, who says Reach UP, a devotional, a personal conversation as a magazine is given, are not isolated tools and events, but all work together for His purposes in each person’s life!
So it’s so awesome to see God at work! We saw Him in the making of Reach UP, as all the articles that came in flowed together in one theme. Now it’s thrilling to see Him coordinate devotionals, conversations, and the needs of the people, with the magazine… and this is just the tip of the iceberg! There is so much He is doing in each heart. And I hope to hear about it from people soon – and when I do, I will share.
Thank you, Crystal Wacker Knapp and the whole Reach UP team! And a special thanks to people who have given financially so ministries like ours who have no way to print this magazine ourselves can have this invaluable resource. We are putting it to good use!
I’m sure there will be more testimonies to come from this small town in Virginia. God bless you all!
~ Karen Rogers Duckett, board member of Reach UP Magazine and volunteer at Manna Ministrybetty
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