Get to Your Child First

Reach UP Writer

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Human trafficking is such a big problem that there are signs inside bathroom stalls with phone numbers for help. We are glad for that and rejoice for every rescued victim of trafficking.

But Reach UP wants to help you to get to your child first before they are sucked in by people who would force them to do sex acts or unpaid labor.

Where to start?

  1. Create a safe space. If your child named three people they feel safe with or safe talking to, would you be one of them?

To have open conversations with your child, you first need to have their trust. Create a safe environment for your child. One way you can do this is by picking a specific day and time to have weekly check-ins with each child. Some parents call it a ā€œCircle of Trust.ā€ Build your childā€™s trust by letting them know that no one will get punished for what they say in that time. Listen when they talk. And make sure they know that they can talk to you, even outside this special time.

  1. Have open and honest conversations. Talk to your child about his/her life. It is important to who they are hanging out with and talking to, and what topics are important to them, especially on social media. Listen to what they are saying and be open to their questions and concerns.

You cannot protect children from everything they will hear, see, or read at school or on social media. However, you can be aware of outside influences and be available to have open and honest conversations.

  1. Know the signs. Know the signs of abuse or mind-control which can lead to human trafficking.
  • Is your child withdrawing from your family and long-time friends?
  • Are they spending an unusual amount of time on their phone, and are they more secretive about their contacts and conversations?
  • Has their behavior changed recently?

It is important as a parent to know the signs in order to maintain a safe and secure environment for your child. Keep learning about the problem whenever you come across materials whether at a counseling office, school counselors or church. is a site where you can start.

  1. Empower them to speak up. It is impossible to be with your child everywhere. Empower them to recognize the dangers and signs by openly discussing things that donā€™t seem right. Teach them to speak up for themselves and their friends if something feels uncomfortable. If there is a documentary on trafficking suitable for a child, watch it with them. Encourage them to memorize the National Human Trafficking Hotline number.
  2. Know how to get help. If you or someone you know is being trafficked, which can be as simple as a boyfriend asking you to have sex with others, call 888-3737-888 or text BEFREE (233733).

Dig Deeper with Questions & Action Steps
I Reach Up
  • How much time do you spend with your child/children talking about their day?
  • Does your child/children consider you as a safe place? Why? or Why not?
  • How comfortable are your children with sharing difficult information with you?
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