I was not allowed to be disappointed when I was a kid. In my family we always had to “look on the bright side” and be positive. Maybe it was because my…
Good Friday is the day each year when Christians remember the death of Jesus on the cross. Until I was 18 years old, I did not understand the grief that His death…
Hello, dear friend, Backstory: the story behind the story. I love learning the backstories of people and events. Maybe that’s because I like the twists and turns in the process of something…
Cuando pasas por un evento difícil, especialmente en la infancia, algunos pensamientos y emociones pueden quedarse atascados en ese evento. Aunque sigas adelante con tu vida, algo de ti puede seguir aferrándose…
¡20 cosas para demostrar que te preocupas por ti misma! Escribe tus sentimientos o una oración Sal a correr Ve a caminar Date un baño en sales de Epsom con aroma…
Hablemos de algo con lo que toda mujer lucha: la adicción al sexo y al amor. Ya sabes, esas ansias que sientes cuando parece que no puedes conseguir suficiente amor. Incluso cuando…
En algún momento sucede. Te encuentras cuidando de tus hijos, de los hijos de otra persona o de un adulto con complicaciones de salud. Esto es lo que he aprendido desde que cuido de mi…
Reach UP magazine’s cover art for this issue, Count It All Joy, is a mixed media painting created by Sally Barlow. Sally is visual artist (https://www.sallybarlowart.com), wife to her college sweetheart and…
From time to time, we get articles from women who want to encourage otherswith their story of struggle and recovery. ‘Hope you are encouraged by Jen’sstory. When I heard about the Hoving…
Don’t just Survive, Thrive this next School Year! We all want our children to do well in school. Teachers matter, but you really matter! You are your child’s first and lifelong teacher.…