Becoming a Better Me

Donā€™t Bury Your Dreams

Relying on peopleā€™s opinions creates a very unhealthy space in which to grow. In my case, it was paralyzing. I knew my dreams were still there, but they were buried. The fears…

I Love Reach UP magazine!

Love This!

Reach UP is a magazine and so much more! Reach UP is an attitude that says, ā€œIā€™m gonnaā€™ do this! God is my Helper!ā€ Reach UP is a posture. My arm is…

Fifteen Years!

I didnā€™t even realize this was our fifteenth anniversary until a friend brought it to my attention. I was just busy doing the next thing and the next thing. Maybe thatā€™s the…

lady thinking

From the Impossible to the Possible

DearĀ Woman, who do you think you are? Iā€™ve asked that question to myself many times. Now, who am I? I am a woman who lives to feel. I am a woman who…

slasher face

Slasher Movies & Horror Houses: Unhealthy Fear

Throughout the month of October, horror or “slasher” movies are on TV for Halloween. Movies such as Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Child’s Play, and others show stabbings, people chopping…

broken mannequins

Healing for the Shattered Soul

Recognizing that many women have suffered some kind of abuse in their lifetime, we have asked Karen Rogers Duckett to help us figure out how to work through the pain and scars…

March On in Strength!

Hello, dear friend, Have you ever done something that was hard? I mean really hard? Like making a positive change in your life? Once you decide to do something to make your…

shaken baby

Shaken Baby Syndrome

The Following Article is From an Open Letter by a Mother Whose Little Son Died From Being Shaken: My name is Emily Bodily and I am the Parent Spokesperson for the National…

happy family

Forgiveness ā€“ One of the Secrets to Happiness

Forgiveness is for YOU, NOT the other person! As a youth pastor of a large ministry in Brooklyn, New York, I discovered that a lot of people think my life is perfect.…

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