Beauty Tips from Your Kitchen

Reach UP Beauty Writer

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You don’t have to be rich to look fabulous.

You just have to be a little creative. But watch out! Some of these quick-fix beauty remedies sound good enough to eat!

Olive Oil for Nails: Works great for strengthening your nails. Dip a clean nail polish brush into olive oil and lightly coat each nail. Let it sit for a few minutes, then wash it off. Because your nails and hair follicles are made up of the same proteins, you can use a similar treatment to strengthen weak hair.

Toothpaste: You use it for brushing your teeth twice a day, everyday. But did you know you can also use it to remove water marks on stained wood when the kids don’t use coasters? It also works great for reducing the redness of blemishes. Why spend money on designer creams when you already have one sitting on your bathroom counter? After washing your face, gently dab a bit of white toothpaste on your zit. For best results, let it sit overnight. Then wash off the dried paste with your regular face wash and blot it dry with a soft towel.

Honey: The best facial mask is honey. Place a cloth in warm water and apply it to your face to open the pores. Then smear honey on your face and leave it for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, and then use cold water to close the pores. Do this once a week.

Lemon and Egg: Here’s an easy way to make a great facial masque. Squeeze half a lemon and mix the juice with one beaten egg white. Leave this mask on your face overnight, or for a quick pick-me-up, just leave it on 15 minutes. Splash warm water on your face to rinse. This masque helps remove blotches because the lemon works as a bleaching agent.

Banana: Banana is wonderful as an anti-wrinkle treatment. Mash 1/4 banana until it is very creamy. Spread it all over you face and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Follow with a splash of cold water. Gently pat dry.

Egg: Try this super hair conditioner. Beat an egg yolk until it’s frothy. Then add 1 teaspoon baby oil and beat again. Finally add 1 cup of water. Massage into the scalp and throughout your hair. Rinse well.

Avocado and Coconut Milk: To make an effective hair conditioner, combine mashed avocado with some coconut milk. Comb it through your hair and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse out.


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