Tonya’s Tips

Tonya Carrington

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How To Survive Prison…
And Programs, And Jobs, And Troublesome Relationships

  • Remain teachable
  • See the big picture
  • Know what’s in your Bible
  • Live out what you read in the Bible
  • Pray God’s Word
  • Do what’s right

My advice to you:

Take the opportunities given to you through all the wonderful programs that are out there. Chaplains often can point you in a good direction.

You can’t help it that you had a rough start to life. But you can choose to take the right steps from here on out, one at a time.

If you fall, get back up again. God has a plan and purpose for you.

Remember: Journeying into the unknown is a bit scary. However, God has not given us the spirit of fear. Fear comes from the enemy. It’s okay to feel afraid, but it’s not okay to let fear stop you from moving forward. Move forward anyway.

Remember: You are valued. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the hands of the Creator. (PSALM 139:14) Everything that God creates is precious and priceless!!

Remember: You are a seed. Everything needed to cause an apple seed to bloom into a beautiful apple tree is already inside of the seed. It only needs to be placed in the right environment to receive proper sunlight and water, then grow.

Therefore, surround yourself with like-minded people who are working toward the same or similar goals as you.

Never allow the enemy to convince you that you lack worth. Know who you are. You are a daughter of God, the Most High King!

Continue to move forward even when everything else is moving against you.

You know where your strength lies now. Utilize it. Pick up your mat and walk!! (Read JOHN 5:1-9 in the Bible.)


Read about Tonya’s Life in The Tonya Story.

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Write down or type in your phone the tip(s) you will try to follow, and look at it/them often.

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