Tag: help

girl looking through broken window

There are Men on Assignment to Destroy You!

I saw this before I came back to the Lord and I see it even more now that I am a Christian. Women need to stop letting boys control them with the…

Prostitute and Homeless, NO More!

Hi, my name is Marjorie and I wanted to tell you my story. I’m in tears as I read it here – How GREAT is our God! He kept me and I…

illustration of people thinking

Give Yourself A Break!

We all need to give ourselves a break. We’re good at showing compassion / kindness to other people – but many of us have trouble showing that same compassion to ourselves. We…

Do You Feel Guilty as a Working Mom?

by Nena Podbury Scripture provides encouragement as you work and raise a family. My alarm rings and I get out of bed, grab both kids and head downstairs for breakfast (juice and…

¿Por qué debo vacunarme contra la gripe?

Serina del Queens pregunta: La mejor manera de protegerte contra la gripe es vacunarte contra ella cada año. La vacuna contra la gripe es una vacuna que contiene los virus muertos, y…

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