Special Occasions – 15th Anniversary Edition

Karen Blake

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The holidays give us the opportunity to make special memories with our children. No, I’m not just talking about Christmas morning when they open presents.

Take the opportunity to create your own special occasions and start family traditions that will warm your children’s hearts for a lifetime.

You can do this for little or no cost. How?
Go somewhere special. Community dinners, tree lightings, sing-a-longs, special events at churches, or just walks or drives around town to see all the holiday lights can bring joy and create good memories. Most are free! You can find free events online, from your child’s school, or by asking friends.

Do something special in your home. Make holiday decorations out of things you have around the house—paper, crayons, scissors, and tape. Cut leaves out of paper and write on them things for which you are thankful.

Make paper chains or tree decorations. No tree? No problem. Draw a tree on colored paper and then tape it to the wall. Homemade cards you and your kids make for your family and friends will surely be loved and appreciated!

When you decorate your house for the holidays, make the decorating day a special occasion by doing it with your kids.

Cook something special. There’s nothing like special food to make the holiday special! Make holiday cookies with premade sugar cookie dough. Add to the fun by letting your kids add their personal touch with sprinkles or decorating gel.


Want more ideas? Watch R U Cooking? on Reach UP TV.

Monique shows you how to cook delicious Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years food on a budget. (Psst… Monique is an expert baker, so if you like holiday sweets, this is the place to be!) Check out these R U Cooking? holiday episodes.

Any day of the year can be a special occasion! All you need to do is call it a special occasion. When you do, your kids will too, and they will soon come up with their own ideas for these special family times.

Don’t let anything stop you from having a special occasion—not your hard day, not your kids’ bad attitude, not this guy yelling in the hall again. Your home is your home.

Create the atmosphere you want it to have.

It just takes a few simple ideas to create special occasions that will warm your children’s hearts for years to come. Whatever you do, make it special!

Dig Deeper with Questions & Action Steps
I Reach Up
  • Do you have a favorite holiday memory from when you were a child? If so, what is it?
  • Which one of Karen’s ideas did you like the best?
  • Which idea do you think your kids would like best? Talk with your kids and come up with ideas on how they can help make a special occasion!
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