Get the Most Food for the Least Money – 7 Easy Tips to Shop Smart! – R U Cooking? – video

Shopping Smart can keep more money in your pocket, food on your shelves and less wasted food in the trash. It’s getting the most food for the least amount of money and eating well. How do we Shop Smart? By following the 7 easy tips in this R U Cooking? episode.

For tips on making a shopping list, watch R U Cooking? Meal Planning episode

00:00 What is Shopping Smart?
00:28 Make a Budget
Make a Shopping List
Build Your Basics
Choose Your Store
Check for Savings
Don’t Shop Hungry
Shop Smart in the Store 

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Season 2, Episode 3
R U Cooking? Cook with Confidence. Save Money. Enjoy Good, Tasty Food.

Monique Holenko’s passion for cooking led her to start and operate a successful New York style bakery for 14 years, along with her husband Alex and daughter Morgan. She knows about life’s difficulties first-hand, and loves God and loves empowering women. Monique is a speaker as well as a contributing author in the book “She Writes for Him – Stories of Living Hope.”

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