Safe and Secure in God’s Hands

By: Babs Kincaid

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Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful for God’s care.
Even in our painful trials God has been there.

Be thankful, God holds you close to His heart.
Rejoice knowing He has loved you from the start.

‘Tis the best season to invite Jesus into your heart.
He wants you and Him to never be apart.

Come close to God and He will come closer to you.

Happy Thanksgiving


“I will make an agreement with them that will last forever.
I will never turn away from them;
I will always do good to them.
I will make them want to respect me
so they will never turn away from me.”
Jeremiah 32:40 CSV


God went to great lengths to reach out to you.
Jesus humbly born as a baby is just a preview.

God couldn’t bear to see you suffer anymore.
So Jesus was sent as a gift to open Heaven’s door.

Jesus willingly came to earth to set you free.
He has cast all your sin into the deepest sea.

God reached out to you in your anxious hour,
so you could live safe & secure from Satan’s power.

Your Heavenly Father longs to heal your broken heart.
He holds the keys to give you a fresh start.

God desires to walk with you hand-in-hand.
He has a hopeful future for you better than grand.

Merry Christmas

Dig Deeper with Questions & Action Steps
I Reach Up
  • What are you thankful for?
  • Do you believe that Jesus came to earth for YOU?
  • What’s your favorite line of this poem?

You can find this article and more in ReachUP Edition: Winter 2016

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