Reach UP: Winter 2023 – English

Look through the Winter 2023 issue of Reach UP magazine

See and hear articles in the Winter 2023 issue of Reach UP magazine

Fifteen Years!

I didn’t even realize this was our fifteenth anniversary until a friend brought it to my attention. I was just busy doing the next thing... Continue reading

Special Occasions – 15th Anniversary Edition

The holidays give us the opportunity to make special memories with our children. No, I'm not just talking about Christmas morning when they open presents.... Continue reading

My Merry-Go-Round Masquerade Party – 15th Anniv. Edition

Don’t you just love a masquerade, put-on-a-role, party? I do. I can let my imagination soar and have fun when I put together a great... Continue reading

Safe and Secure in God’s Hands

Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful for God’s care. Even in our painful trials God has been there. Be thankful, God holds you close to... Continue reading

He’s Going to Kill Me! – R U Reaching Up? S1 E1 – video

The pain of domestic violence, the loss of her daughter at the hands of the abuser, and the escape to a shelter for battered women... Continue reading

Not Broken Forever

It was a beautiful summer day. She was so excited about the new bike her cousin brought over. He told her he’d teach her how... Continue reading

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Feet. They’re such an important part of our body, yet we don’t think about them much until they hurt. More than 25% of the bones... Continue reading

Addiction – Get the Help. Don’t let Shame Bully You

I have worked with people struggling with addiction for the past eighteen years. In that time, I have noticed that a lot of shame is... Continue reading

So you want to go to college?

The thought of attending college can be exciting and stressful. After all, it’s a big change. You may not even know what you want to... Continue reading

I’m Going to Be Somebody!

Who says it’s too late to get your high school degree? Just because you have children, or because you’re older than the average high school... Continue reading

Love This!

Reach UP is a magazine and so much more! Reach UP is an attitude that says, “I’m gonna’ do this! God is my Helper!” Reach... Continue reading

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