Reach UP: Fall 2022 – English

Look through the Fall 2022 issue of Reach UP magazine

See and hear articles in the issue of Reach UP magazine

March On in Strength!

Hello, dear friend, Have you ever done something that was hard? I mean really hard? Like making a positive change in your life? Once you... Continue reading

Why Eat Together as a Family?

How does your family eat meals? Do you each reach for something easy or heat up some leftovers separately, whenever you are hungry? Do you... Continue reading

The Little Book that Made a Big Difference

I heard about Jesus when I was in a Bible study in a basement in the Bronx, NY. It was up the block from my... Continue reading

When Everything Screams: “Go Back!”

I laid there in the fetal position; nothing could comfort me. My marriage of twenty years was ending. Just four years prior I had left... Continue reading

R U Cooking? New Video Series

Why cook instead of eating take out, fast food or prepackaged meals? In this first episode of R U Cooking? Monique Holenko shares five benefits... Continue reading

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