Memory-Making List

By: Amy Wedel (mom to six kids)

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A few simple things to do with kids during this Christmas season are:

  • Reading all kinds of Christmas books from the library
  • driving around to look at Christmas lights (walking or taking the bus works too)
  • Walking to the biggest tree decorated tree close by and drinking hot cocoa
  • Decorating the tree as a family (again, moms, let go of perfection!)
  • Going to a Christmas Eve service at church, then have a treat afterwards
  • Watching a Christmas movie together (this is a big deal for my kids since I usually do not like sitting through kids movies)
  • Simply being home and available for them. Turn off all electronics!

For more memory making tips see Memory-Making Simplified and also No Christmas Tree? No Problem!.

You can find this article and more in ReachUP Edition: Winter 2016

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