March On in Strength!

Crystal Knapp

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Hello, dear friend,

Have you ever done something that was hard? I mean really hard? Like making a positive change in your life?

Once you decide to do something to make your life better, you know what happens – you get pushback nearly every day! You may be tempted to say, “It’s too hard! I just want to quit!”

Deborah, a real action hero in the Bible, could have quit too. You can read her story in the book of Judges, chapters 4 and 5. She was in a battle with an enemy who was bigger and stronger. She could have given up. But Deborah knew God was with her. She told herself to keep on going. She even put it in a song: “O my Soul [my Self], march on in strength!” She kept going forward. And with God’s help, she won the battle.

Reach UP writer Mary Harvel knows what it’s like to struggle with making a good life change too. You’ll be encouraged as you read her article, ““When Everything Screams: ‘Go Back!’

As a teenager, Deb Paul escaped the “house of terror” she lived in, only to find more trouble along the way. But God was with her. And a little book made a big difference! Read what happened as Deb kept going forward.

Sometimes there’s pushback when you are making good choices for your kids. Keep at it anyway. Jessica Menendez shows how eating together helps kids for a lifetime. Plus, you’ll get to know them in a way you never thought possible.

Struggles to succeed and temptations to quit will confront you no matter what changes you’re trying to make. The good news is that you’re not alone. God is with you.

God does His part – which no one else can do. You do your part. Just keep going. When you feel discouraged, tell yourself, “My Soul, keep going! My Soul, march on in strength!”

Marching on in strength along with you,

Crystal Knapp
Reach UP Founder

P.S. If you’d like a text of encouragement from time-to-time, then sign up for Reach UP texts at


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I Reach Up
  • Share something you’ve done in the past that was hard.
  • Are you going through something hard now?
  • Do you sometimes feel like giving up?
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