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She’s afraid. Things haven’t been going too well for her lately. She is alone and she feels like giving up because she has so many problems. She wants someone to understand, but no one does – at least not until he comes into her life.
Who is this girl? It’s likely she’s pretty young, not older than 24. She’s smart in some ways, but not so smart in other ways. Her problems are giants in her mind, and she believes that he really “gets” her.
But he doesn’t want her to know what he’s really doing. He doesn’t want her to see his sweet talk for what it actually is. We call him Lover-boy.
I don’t care what Lover-boy wants. I’m on the side of this girl — and I’m on your side! These are the secrets Lover-boy doesn’t want you to know. He wants you to be ignorant of how he does what he does.
Lover-boy Exposed
He hangs out where the girls hang out – malls, around schools, or on the internet, “chatting.” Lover-boy watches for someone who is going to be easy to draw out.
He looks for girls who are having a hard time and who want someone to help make it better. Often the girl doesn’t feel good about herself. Some call that being vulnerable and having low self-esteem.
So Lover-boy moves in and works toward being her friend. She thinks he’s the answer to her problems.
His personal mission is to make her fall in love with him. He showers her with affection, nice gifts, expensive clothing, and anything else she wants.
Lover-boy tells her how beautiful she is, something she desperately wants to hear. But he says these things to get what he wants, not because he believes they are true.
Lover-boy gives her a new cell phone. She likes the gift, but he uses it to control who she talks to, where she is. Through the phone he has access to her 24 hours a day. Lover-boy is becoming more powerful in her life.
Lover-boy breaks through her boundaries by persuading her to have sex with him.
Sex is a powerful connector between a man and a woman. God created it to be a good thing in marriage. But Lover-boy uses it for a destructive purpose. It’s not long before he asks her to prostitute herself or to pose for pornographic pictures he can sell. This brings him money to spend on the next girl, but she doesn’t know that. Because she thinks he loves her, she will do anything for him.
The sex still captures the girl’s heart, but it leads to modern-day slavery. Lover-boy offers her a job that pays good (easy) money — and she can wear those pretty clothes. She’s beginning to feel like a princess. The trap is set.
The more she does what he requires, the more control he has. If she resists him, he becomes violent with her. She is shocked, but the conditioning is in place, and she’ll excuse it as not being so bad. “It’s just a slap across my face. I’m okay.” She excuses him and blames herself.
He’s slowly brainwashing the girl. He may even tattoo his name on her body. She may think that it’s a sign of true love, but Lover-boy knows it’s his mark of branding her as belonging to his brothel. That’s why when someone tries to rescue her, she doesn’t want to leave. Or if she does leave, she returns even though he will probably beat her to a pulp.
Lover-boy has done a good job. She is now his slave. He now uses any means necessary to keep his meal ticket. His physical abuse steps up. He no longer tells her how beautiful she is. He changes tactics and insults her with the intent of controlling her. But, if necessary, he will throw in a lie like, “You know I love you, Baby.” He offers her drugs to keep her dependent and not thinking straight. She belongs to him. The trap is so deep now. She has become totally dependent on him, and she will not leave.
Don’t Fall for Lover-boy!

If someone has been telling you these lies, RUN! Don’t give in. No matter how much you want to believe his gorgeous eyes and smooth voice, understand that Lover-boy has other plans for you — plans that aren’t good for you at all.
Talk to the person who gave you this magazine. Ask God for a way out! God wants you free of this evil.
If you’re reading this magazine and you already feel trapped, there are people who can help.
This verse will help you as you’re getting free:
Good News! He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the LORD’S favor has come…. He will give a crown of beauty for ashes; a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair.
Isaiah 61: portions from verses 1-3 (NLT)
Here are a few organizations who can help you if you’re in this kind of trouble.
by Carla J Ives,
National Human Trafficking Hotline
text HELP to: BeFree (233733)
Beyond Fear to Freedom
Bridge to Hope
Hope Women’s Center
Street Light USA
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul
Family Assistance Program
Grace Place
Beauty From Ashes
City Union Mission
Destiny House
Trinity Life Center
Miracle Hill Ministries
Faith & Victory in Christ Ministries
Zoey for Kids
Kerus Global