Letter From the Editor – Winter 2016

Crystal Knapp

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I remember a time in my life when I was so depressed that I sang this song over and over again along with Whitney Houston from the soundtrack of “Preacher’s Wife.” This song seemed to help me grab onto God’s hand and not let go. The line, “Long as I live and troubles rise, I’ll hasten to His throne – I’m gonna’ run!” became what I willed to do.

And run I did. But because I was so focused on me, I could not see that God was already there reaching, grabbing onto me.

At this very special time of Christmas, I picture God reaching down to earth and placing His Son, Jesus, in the middle of earth’s chaos.

The Bible has lots to say about why Jesus would leave the marvels of heaven, but I want to focus on the part about God hearing our cries. Psalm 107:5 says it like this: “Then in your desperate condition, you called out to God. He got you out in the nick of time.”

Many times I’ve called out to God, and He was always there and helped me. Every person on our Reach UP team has called out to God when they felt desperate and God has helped them. And I believe that, if and when you call out to God, He’s going to hear you and send help too.

God’s personal plan to help you started long ago when Jesus came to earth. That’s why we celebrate Christmas. How awesome is it that God heard our cries from “locked cells” and “heavy hearts!” (Psalm 107:10, 12)

Help is on its way! Help may come through the person who gave you this magazine. Help may come through what you read in the Bible. Help may come after a whispered prayer – a God-thought especially for you.

And that’s something to celebrate during Thanksgiving and on into the Christmas season.

Together, let’s REACH Up,

Crystal Wacker Knapp

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