Letter From the Editor – Winter 2014

Crystal Knapp

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2014 has been the second year in a row with huge life-changes. In 2013 I made a cross-country move with little understanding of what lay ahead for me. In February of this year, I became a first-time bride! And let’s just say, I’m not that young…. 😉
Married life has been great, and yes fun, as we’ve been learning to join two lives together. For me getting married also meant a move to yet another city with the task of merging two households, which is still a work in progress!
But 2014 also held deep sorrow as I saw my father’s physical decline because of Parkinson’s disease. To see him grow weaker and more dependent caused many a tear to fall each time I left his room. Then I got the call that Dad had gone to be with Jesus just after midnight, September 3.
I am explaining all this because my dad was not only my wonderful father and pastor, but he was also many of yours. In our Summer 2009 issue I shared my dad with you, saying that you could adopt him as your own if you didn’t have a father like him.
He wrote a letter to you, beginning by reflecting on the tough life story of our featured writer in that issue. I want to pull a couple of sentences from that letter. While he is gone from this earth, his legacy and message to you remains the same.

Crystal Wacker Knapp


I wish you could have been the delight of a father’s life and felt secure, respected and appreciated. Is it possible for me to tell you now that you are respected and appreciated, and I pray for your security?I see possibilities and promises in your life. I believe in you. That, of course, is just what Jesus sees in you. If I care and understand and accept you, how much more does Jesus do the same? He understands…He accepts. He longs for your happiness.___[Your name]___, taking Jesus as your Savior and Lord is the greatest hope anyone has. There is no telling what good things lay ahead for you.

Jesus has been the answer for each one of us. One at a time. And no one has ever been turned away — for any reason. You and my other “daughters” are really Daughters of the Heavenly Father. We all truly love you.



The Legacy Memorial*

Reach UP Magazine gratefully acknowledges the generous gifts given by the following friends and family in Memory of Pastor Wilbur H. Wacker

Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Helen Anderson
Mrs. Betty Baer, Paul, Scott Baer
Ms. Nancy Fullenwider
Mrs. Raeanne Hance
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Lois Hino
Mr. & Mrs. Pat & Nancy Hurley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Janice Jackson
Mrs. Olynnda Long Palmer
Dr. & Mrs. Steve & Vicky Long
Mrs. Virginia Otis
Mr. & Mrs. Dick & Joanna Patton
Mrs. Ruth Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Amy Schiffner
Mrs. Denise Wacker

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