It’s All In a Name!

Debra, Debbie, Patchen

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What is Luke 1:31 quoting?

Why, Old Testament prophecy!

This is the chosen time! And, as such, scripture tells what the Son of God will be known as – the sweet name of Jesus.

Naming a child has always been important. It becomes the future identity of the child who receives it. His or her name takes a lifetime to build that selfhood.

When I was born, my parents picked out a trending name for me, Debra. But it means a bee! My nickname became Debbie, a name I did not like.

To me it meant, ā€œHoney, you who sting!ā€ Debbee – felt bitter, sour and sweet, if not shameful!

As I went through life, I came to think that my name might be true of my character.

Hereā€™s why. I pierced Jesus heart with the things I did wrong. I stung Him with my words and I hurt him with my actions.

In my sinful condition, I desperately needed a Savior. But God in His unending grace already had everything covered.

Naming a child in Bible times was somewhat different than in our day. The Hebrew (Israeli) people called each person with a single name. Then so you knew what ā€œDavidā€ belonged to whom, they added the fatherā€™s name or grandfather…. The movie Ben-Hur is a great example. The main character is Judah Ben-Hur. Judah (first name) Ben (son of) Hur. Their names and meanings gave a great deal of informaiton.

And for God, not just any name would do when it came to His beloved Son, the firstborn of all creation.

In fulfillment of prophecy, God commanded, before the child was even conceived, that His son would be named Yeh-SHU-ah, meaning, Jesus.

Jesus is a name that contains the promise of salvation. From hell, yes, but also, by way of healing, preserving, protecting and prospering.

Not only did He take away our judgment of being guilty, (Romans 1:8) but He brought you over to Godā€™s side and put your lives together! (Colossians 1:22)

Jesus did it all! The only thing you have to do is believe Godā€™s Word!

Not only will He save you from eternal hell when your body dies, He has the power to save marriages where love no long exists. He has the power to save a drunkard. He can save a war veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder. He can save the woman addicted to drugs (prescription or otherwise). He can save the prostitute and the homeless wanderer. There is no one too bad or too far gone for Godā€™s reach.

Oh my dear, He can save you from ________.

I promise!

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