It Could Have Been That Way!

Crystal Knapp with Patricia Logue

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It is common to hear about Mary and the birth of baby Jesus during the Christmas season. So, upon learning about the Gabriel Project, we thought it would be enchanting to ask them to help us write an imaginary story about the conversation Mary and her aunt Elizabeth could have had while they were both pregnant.

The name ā€œGabriel Projectā€ refers to the Bible account of the angel Gabriel, who appeared to Mary and announced to her that she was chosen to be the mother of the Messiah, Jesus. He went on to tell her that her aunt Elizabeth, who had struggled to conceive a child, was now pregnant and in her sixth month.

The Gabriel Project was inspired by the passage in the Bible when Mary went to talk with Elizabeth (Luke 1:36-59). At the Gabriel Project, older women, called ā€œangels,ā€ walk mothers-to-be through their pregnancy and beyond. These angels do a lot of listening and learning about each mom and what is going on in her life. They offer help and supportive friendship.


Setting: 1st Decade BCE, Ein Karem, Judea
Fifteen-year-old [[Because the normal age for marriage in that day was about sixteen, it is commonly believed that Mary could have been as young as fifteen.]] Mary hikes to her Aunt Elizabethā€™s home in Ein Karem.

(As she walks along the trail, talking to herself.)

Maybe we can talk and she will understand me. Right now, I feel so alone, what with friends and family not believing me! Why would I lie about something like this? The angel Gabriel popped up in my room, scaring me at first, and after calming me down tells me Iā€™m going to have a baby who is going to be the Son of God. No problem that I was a virgin. God was going to bypass that part. And, oh, the looks I got when I tried to defend myself. Joseph, poor Joseph — he thought I cheated on him. Only when that angel Gabriel spoke to him in a dream did he believe me.


Mary walks into the village where Elizabeth and her husband, Zechariah, live. Elizabeth is just inside the door tending to some plants. She looks up in surprise to see a visitor, then warmly greets her niece.


Mary, is that you? Itā€™s been a while! You have grown up, but still my sweet Mary. How are you?


Finally, they get to the question that had to be asked.


Iā€™m curious, Mary, Why have you come to visit me now?


The angel Gabriel appeared to me and said not to be afraid, but I still am ā€¦ a little. Whatā€™s more, I donā€™t know what to expect. He said you were going to have a baby, and nothing personal, but, er well, youā€™re….


Old. Itā€™s okay to say it. Not news to me!


Yeah, (sheepish). Anyhow, since you are ahead of me on this — six months Gabriel said — I just need to be with someone Iā€™m comfortable with and can tell me what to expect.


How far along are you? And youā€™re engaged, right? Will Joseph stay with you, or has he left?


Just a few weeks, maybe a month. Well, Joseph was just going to say nothing and call off the engagement. But, (chuckling) Gabriel handled that!


Do you have other support? Youā€™ve got me for now, but you canā€™t stay with me forever.


Um, I think Mom will be more helpful, especially once I tell her how YOU welcomed me and little baby Jesus.


I think she will. Right now, itā€™s pretty hard for her to believe, but your body will start showing the changes. Ohhh, the changes.(Shaking her head). Zech can hardly believe me when I describe the kicking! This one is a shaker and a mover! Just you wait.


Hmmm. I just get so nauseous right now. I donā€™t feel like eating, but then ā€”


You want to eat everything!


I do!


It is good to remember you are eating for two now, not just one. And, do pass up the wine at the festivals. Not good for the little one.


Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months. No doubt they had many talks about pregnancy, their future sons, and what life would look like with them. We donā€™t know much about the months in between. But Mary eventually returned to Nazareth. When she was nine months pregnant, the government insisted that everyone travel to their familyā€™s hometown to be registered for a census.

So, Joseph packed up his very pregnant fiancƩ, and they walked the nearly 90 miles to Bethlehem.


Joseph, I donā€™t think this is what Elizabeth had in mind when she said I would feel better if I kept active! I think I need to sit on the donkey for a bit.



It is so good for a mother-to-be to have someone she feels safe with to talk things over. Elizabeth was a good choice.

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What questions do you think they would have talked through?


Letā€™s just put some of the questions we ask into our imaginary conversation.

Moms-to-be need to be thinking about getting enough good food. New habits may have to begin. If money is tight, moms need to make their money stretch and make the effort to find the right food.

Iā€™m happy to say that our angels help moms find connections for food, housing programs, even pre-natal care, which is so important.

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And to think that Mary had none of that. Life was so different back then. No cars, planes, OB/GYNs, knowledge about changing hormones, disposable diapers — and on goes the list.


Pretty tough. Today weā€™d be asking questions about whether she needed supplies for the newborn baby. Is there a need for a crib, baby clothes, a car seat?

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No cute crib for baby Jesus. Though Bible pictures usually show a wooden stall where the cows ate their food, discoveries now reveal that it was a large hewn out stone. It was not a soft bed with pretty little blankets.


Mary was a brave mother just like the many mothers we have worked with. Parenting was not meant to be done alone. But sometimes parents and extended family are not, or cannot, be involved. There is no shame in seeking help.

If you are pregnant and unsure of the road ahead for you and your child, a connection with the Gabriel Project could help in the coming months and give you the extra support you need at this time in your life. To reach this confidential helpline, Pregnancy Assistance, call 703-841-3810, or email Find them on the web at

Other Pregnancy Hotlines for Help and Referrals:
Call or text: LoveLine @888-550-1588

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