God’s Emergency Numbers

By: Reach UP Writer

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When you feel sad – call John 14

When you are lonely or fearful – call Psalm 23

When you have sinned – call Psalm 51

When you grow bitter and critical – call 1 Corinthians 13

When you worry – call Matthew 6:19-34

When you feel down and out – call Romans 8:31-39

When your prayers grow selfish – call Psalm 67

When you are in danger – call Psalm 91

When your faith needs built up – call Hebrews 11

When God seems far away – call Psalm 139

When others fail you – call Psalm 27

When you leave home to labor or travel – call Psalm 121

When you want assurance – call Romans 1:1-30

For Paul’s secret of happiness – call Colossians 3:12-17

When the world seems bigger than God – call Psalm 70 and Jeremiah 33:3

If you believe in Jesus Christ, call Him up!


A Prayer for the Day
by Dorothy Valcàcel

When I want to run — hold me.

When I want to turn away — turn me round.

When I want to hide — race me to my hiding place and win.

When I want to hurt others –deflect my aim.

When I want to hurt myself — love me.

When I cry, grab me quickly and rock me safely in Your arms.


You can find this article and more in ReachUP Edition: Fall 2011

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