For Best Results, Inside Out

Crystal Knapp

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One of the many things I love about Reach UP is that we don’t limit our articles to only one topic. We women have many interests and concerns. And because God loves and created us, He is at the center of every part of life. In this issue we’re covering the whole person, from clothes and fitness to dreams and stress.

Even though you will not find the phrase “you must change” in any of the articles, change will have to happen in order for you to rise to the next level. Sometimes we resist change because it is uncomfortable and even unwelcome. Perhaps that is because we feel change is forced on us from the outside, and that brings pressure. But if change happens from the inside out, we don’t sense that negative feeling because we are choosing to change.

Change can be like a baby who keeps growing and developing. As change happens inside the baby, those around that little life get to see it on the outside. Think of how fast babies outgrow their onesies!

Let’s add to that picture of a growing baby these two illustrations:  T-Shirts and Mary Magdalene. Are you wondering about the connection? Here it is. Have you noticed that laundry tags on T-shirts with iron-on decals tell us to launder them inside out for best results? Why is that?

Well, washing involves agitation and soap, which is necessary for the shirt to change from dirty to clean and smelly to pleasant. But if you forget and agitate the outside, the pretty decal cracks or fades.

Inside out for best results.

The same is true when Jesus comes into your life as Savior. He cleans you up from the inside out. The pressure is not put on you. His Spirit is at work in you, forgiving your sins and changing your desires.

Here’s where Mary Magdalene comes in. If you are able to watch “The Chosen,” (Season 1, E1 & E2) you’ll understand more about Mary Magdalene. Her story is sprinkled throughout the first five books of the New Testament.

The people in her town saw her as a crazy, demonic woman, but Jesus saw a woman in need. The people couldn’t see her potential, but Jesus knew what He, God, created her to do. When she was broken and sobbing in grief, He called her by name, and that changed everything.

Change came by the power of Jesus from the inside out.

Addictions, fitness, habits, attitudes — you name it. Change that comes from the inside out lasts and creates less pressure than trying to look good on the outside to other people.

One more thing. Don’t think that this kind change is like a fairy tale story with a magic wand and — Poof, you’ve changed. Not at all. Every baby must eat and sleep and learn how to crawl and talk. While those things are simple to a grownup, doing them takes a great deal of effort for a baby. But you will never see anyone standing over a baby who is taking a first step with a whip. No! You will see the mom giving oodles of love and attention to encourage the change to happen.

So, when you read about something that inspires you to make a change, don’t stress and try to make it happen by your will or in your own strength. Talk it over with Jesus. That’s called prayer. Maybe talk with a friend or counselor if it’s a major change. And then take it one step at a time.

For best results, inside out.

Crystal Knapp

Dig Deeper with Questions & Action Steps
I Reach Up
  • Think about a time in your life when you experienced a big or small change.
  • What were the major parts of the change that took place?
  • Did something within you spark an outward change?
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