Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Elaine Mizuo

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Feet. They’re such an important part of our body, yet we don’t think about them much until they hurt. More than 25% of the bones in our body are in our feet, and our feet have to carry the weight of our body when we walk. No wonder they get tired!

After a long day on our feet, nothing sounds better than a nice warm foot soak to calm those barking pups and relieve some of our stress.

Begin by putting on some relaxing music, then fill a basin with warm water. Mix 3 T. of olive oil with 2 T. of coarse sea salt or Epsom salt.

If you prefer a sugar scrub, use ½ c. sugar with ¼ c. of olive oil.

Rub this mixture into your dry cracked heels for 5 minutes, then soak your feet in a basin of warm water for 10 minutes. Toss in some flower petals for a pretty soak.

Pat your feet dry and use a pumice stone on the balls and heels of your feet to remove dead skin.

Trim and file your toenails by cutting straight across to prevent ingrown nails. Apply a moisture cream to your feet. Polish your nails if you wish and enjoy wonderfully pedicured feet.

Did You Know?
Did you know that our feet are capable of producing a pint of sweat a day? If you live in a warm area or if you suffer from sweaty feet, brew 3 or 4 ordinary black tea bags in boiling hot water for about 15 minutes. Pour this tea water into a foot basin. Add 2 quarts of cool water and soak your feet in the warm tea water for 30 minutes. If you do this for a week, the tannins from the tea should help your feet to sweat less.


“How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O prince’s daughter!”
– Song of Solomon 7:1
Dig Deeper with Questions & Action Steps
I Reach Up
  • Do your feet hurt at the end of the day?
  • Do you do work that keeps you on your feet all day?
  • What tip will you try?
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