P.S. You Have Everything!

LaShondra Riddle

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A friend once ended a letter to me with “P.S. You Have Everything!” As I read the last line, I began to cry.

Her words reflected a lesson God had been teaching me during that season of my life. Before then, I had spent my life caught in the trap of comparing myself to others. And in every area, I seemed to come up short. I was the fat girl. The poor girl. The black girl. The girl whose father left when she was two. The girl who guys didn’t want to date or kiss or marry. The girl who couldn’t have people over to her house because she was ashamed of the poverty she lived in. I always felt “less than,” as If I had nothing to offer.

But then one day, the Lord brought me to Revelation 2: 8-9. It says, “These are the words of God who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. ‘I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich!” Yet you are rich!! God was saying that I was rich! Why? Not because I had a lot of money or possessions, but because I had the only thing worth having, and that is Jesus.

That is the same thing my friend was telling me in that letter. I have EVERYTHING because I have Christ.

AND SO DO YOU! Paul writes in Philippians 4:11-12, “I have learned to be thankful whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being thankful in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”

What is the secret to being thankful in every circumstance? The secret is understanding this: To have Jesus is to have EVERYTHING!! Unfortunately, many people in the world cannot honestly say that about themselves. And they are the ones with a great poverty.

So during this holiday season, Rejoice! Again, I say, Rejoice in the Lord always! For you, my dear sisters in Christ, have EVERYTHING if you have Jesus. For Jesus is the only thing worth having. And I can say from experience – He is all you need.

LaShondra Riddle is an Atlanta native, currently interning with Beauty From Ashes Ministries in Fort Myers, FL, where she works to rescue women and children trapped in the sex trade. Her love for God and for people has led her to pursue her number one passion in life: to use her voice to fight injustice and break the chains of oppression.

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