Letter from the Editor – Fall/Winter 2018

Crystal Knapp

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Dear Beautiful Friend,

I hope you smiled when you read that. You are beautiful. And do you know who created beauty? God did.

God created beauty.

God placed beauty within each of us.

God made us to appreciate beauty.

When I lived in the inner city, I had to train my eyes to see beauty – the colors of a sunset, flowers bursting through cracks in the sidewalk, and snow settling on razor wire – all of these made designs of beauty.

What beauty have you trained your eyes to see?

And speaking of training, what about your words? What are you training your thoughts to dwell on? What about the words you let slip from your lips? Are they beautiful words?

Words can be beautiful too, you know.

I love words and I also love looking at beautiful things. That’s why from the beginning of publishing Reach UP, we included beautiful graphics so you could let your eyes enjoy what you were seeing.

And in this issue, we have such a big surprise that you can’t possibly miss it. April McCallum created coloring pages just for us! Have fun making some beauty. Maybe you can use them for decorations around your room.

We also hope you try out creating something beautiful out of what once was considered trash, as Danette shows you in her article.

Reach UP women, let each one of us make our world a little more beautiful than we found it. When we do that, we give God glory. Wow! That’s another whole subject. But your beauty – inner and outer – matters to God.

Love you,
Crystal Knapp


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