Encouragement for Today!

Kim Fredrickson

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A little something to remember if the holidays hold memories that make you sad.


You have Now!

No matter what you have going on in your life, You Have Now!!

Don’t let what has happened, what is happening, or your fear of what might happen take away your NOW. You still have NOW, no matter what the future holds!

Don’t let what has happened, what is happening, or your fear of what might happen take away who you are. You can have hope in your future and in God who holds you in His hands.

It’s sad to say, but people who attach their identity to what has happened to them rarely get better. They not only stay stuck and but even sink deeper into the problem. They lose their NOW and risk losing their future. Of course when things are bad, we all need a long period of time to grieve, to process what has happened, and to work through it. This is normal. Whatever has happened, whatever or whomever you have lost, is HUGELY significant. But just don’t camp there and end up living there forever.

So take care of yourself by being a compassionate and kind friend to yourself. One way to do that is to grab hold of what you still have, of who you still are. Remember, no matter what, You Have Now!!

Kim Fredrickson is the author of GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK, a Marriage and Family Therapist and contributor to Reach UP: Fall 2015 on the topic of “Being Your Own Best Friend.”

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