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You may feel like you have nothing to give. And if that’s the case, there’s not going to be any pressure from the Reach UP team. At one time or another, each of us has been there.
But I am reminded of what Jesus said about a widow who gave two cents in the offering. He said that she gave more than everyone else that day added together! That was because she gave out of her need. God sees what is happening in your life and what you would like to do and what you can give.
The app won’t let us use two cents as a giving level Three dollars is the minimum it will process. So if all you have is $3, then smile and give three bucks. God sees your heart and we love you.
When you can give more because you want others to benefit, then give what you feel God is telling you to give. It is as simple as that.
Reach UP Magazine is a recognized 501(c)3 non-profit national organization.