Cool Ideas for Hot Days and Nights

Reach UP Friends

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We asked friends for their cool ideas on hot days and nights. Here’s what they had to say…

Most people thought about food and drink!

  • Spindrift seltzer water with no additional sugars
  • Melons and lemonade
  • Chick pea salad with cucumbers and tomato
  • Fruit tacos — little bits of watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, raisins, and sunflower seeds with avocado and a dash of Tajin in a hard or soft shell

  • Homemade iced tea — Toss three teabags into a quart of barely boiling water, then turn off the heat. Let the tea steep for five minutes or to taste. Pour into a pitcher and add water. Refrigerate. Optional: Add lemon. If you don’t add sugar, you skip the calories!

Only a few people thought about things to do!

  • Wash your feet in ice cold water
  • Travel
  • Go to a summer night outdoor concert in the park
  • Make a Sand Chair Beach Hack:
  1. Start digging a trench the length of a recliner or sofa. (The size depends on how many want to lay in a sand recliner.) A metal shovel speeds up your digging on hard sand.
  2. Heap the scooped-out sand behind your trench to make the back of the recliner.
  3. Then pack that heaped up sand in a way that is comfortable and free of lumps. Top with a beach towel – and relax in the recliner!
  4. Before going home, fill in the hole with the sand and replace the beach to its natural beauty.
Dig Deeper with Questions & Action Steps
I Reach Up
  • What do you like to do to stay cool in the summer?
  • If you have children in your life, what can you do with them to keep them cool and having fun in the summer?
  • What is one idea in the article that you would like to try?
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