Relationships & Family

Memory Making Holidays

When I was a little girl, my mom always celebrated every holiday, whether it was Valentine’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, or the Fourth of July. You name the holiday — we had…

Marginalized Women a World Away

In a few short days we in the U.S. will be celebrating Thanksgiving. However, that will be my second Thanksgiving! That’s because I got to join in on the Canadian Thanksgiving in…

Mary a Single Mom

  Merry Christmas!       Reach UP is celebrating its one year anniversary!  [[retro editorial, visit it Winter 2012 – nine years today]] It’s been a great year, and I thank YOU for…

sad boy

Reactive Attachment Disorder

Although you may not want to admit it, some days it seems too much to care for all the needs of your children. And you silently wonder, What’s the big deal? If…

autism puzzle piece in gift box

When Autism is a Gift in Disguise

My wife and I received a gift twelve years ago – a baby boy we named Jacob. We had a great life. We were happily married and working in full-time ministry when…

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