Home & Lifestyle

Coping During the Holidays Without Your Kids

Being without your kids on a long-term basis is rough any time of the year, but during the holidays it can be brutal. Tons of emotions can dig at your mind —…

How to Survive Homelessness

It is possible to survive being homeless and get back on your feet. I have been homeless six times in my life. I was homeless three times as a youth, not including…

Christmas decorations

Memory-Making Simplified!

As a mom, I want to make the Christmas season the best for my kids! This includes making cute homemade crafts, going to all the special Christmas programs, having the house totally…

Christmas ornament drawings

Memory-Making List

A few simple things to do with kids during this Christmas season are: Reading all kinds of Christmas books from the library driving around to look at Christmas lights (walking or taking…

Christmas tree illustration

No Christmas Tree? No Problem!

Make it a family project to draw a tree on colored paper and then tape it to the wall. Find a large, bare branch and tape ornaments onto it. Tack a long…

earth sphere

Safe and Secure in God’s Hands

Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful for God’s care. Even in our painful trials God has been there. Be thankful, God holds you close to His heart. Rejoice knowing He has loved…

eat real food

Real Food for Real People (Big or Little!)

Have you ever wanted to help your kids eat better, but didn’t know where to start? Most of us have felt that way at one point or another. Eating healthy can be…

A Fresh Start

Take about 15 minutes before you go to bed to straighten up your home. Put shoes and toys away, straighten up papers, hang up jackets. In the morning it will feel great…

toasted pumpkin seeds

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe

2 cups pumpkin seeds 1 Tbsp. oil (corn, sunflower) 1 Tbsp. butter (or margarine) 1 – 2 tsp. salt Separate the seeds from pumpkin pulp. (Just pull the fibers and excess pulp…

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