Home & Lifestyle

Selective Seeing Sees Beauty Everywhere

I hope you enjoy this Home Life Special Edition. Trust me, you don’t have to live in a custom home to make use of these articles. Not at all! We aim to…

Laundry 101

Managing every day household chores can seem like a big task, especially if you have never been taught how to do them. Today, let’s focus on laundry. First, separate all the clothes…

Decorating Tips From a Pro

I didn’t grow up with a mom who decorated our home. It wasn’t until I was taught to sew that I learned about a world of color and texture. Suddenly it mattered…

MONEY ISSUES – Where does your money go?

Kellie-Ann has assisted families in reviewing and reworking their budgets for the past six years in a non-profit Broward County organization.   It’s pretty hard to find someone who doesn’t have to…

Desserts That Wow!!

Get ready to put the WOW in your menu with these two Christmas desserts. Friends and family will beg you to make again and again. Decorate them for the holiday you are…

Crafts and Fun

Take some time for creative crafting to get you in the mood for the fall and winter season. Include your kids and it turns into a time of making memories. Set them…

Budget Busters Exposed!

Sometimes budget busters can be sneaky. We asked our readers for their advice to keep more money in their wallets rather than in the cash registers at stores. Money Eaters Buying overpriced…

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