
abused lady

Breaking the Cycle – Conquering My Past

No child should ever be raised in an abusive environment. The mental stress is too damaging. That was so true for me. Watching my mom get beaten by my dad and step-dad…

What is the Worth of My Body?

I can remember it as if it were yesterday. When I was nine years old, we were evicted from our home. My mother worked two jobs, so she took us to stay…

sad young girl sitting

Rescued for Your Destiny

When you go through a difficult event, especially in childhood, some of your thinking and emotions can get stuck in that event. Though you go on with your life, parts of you…

girl looking through broken window

There are Men on Assignment to Destroy You!

I saw this before I came back to the Lord and I see it even more now that I am a Christian. Women need to stop letting boys control them with the…
hand reaching to help young girl

Donā€™t Miss the Signs of Child Abuse!

Our Spring 2015 issue featured the informative article, ā€œAbuse Happens,ā€ which helped us understand the cycle of domestic abuse towards the adult woman and how to get free. In this issue, Tierra…

Prostitute and Homeless, NO More!

Hi, my name is Marjorie and I wanted to tell you my story. Iā€™m in tears as I read it here ā€“ How GREAT is our God! He kept me and I…

family tree illustration

Where Iā€™m From

George Ella Lyon’s poem, ā€œWhere Iā€™m From,ā€ describes her background through family, events, and places from her childhood. The poem is lovely, and it touches my heart each time I read it.…

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