Becoming a Better Me

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Didn’t Know it Then, But I Know it Now

From time to time, we get articles from women who want to encourage otherswith their story of struggle and recovery. ā€˜Hope you are encouraged by Jen’sstory. When I heard about the Hoving…

Be the Parent Your Child Needs You to Be

Donā€™t just Survive, Thrive this next School Year! We all want our children to do well in school. Teachers matter, but you really matter! You are your childā€™s first and lifelong teacher.…

Letter from Editor – Fall 2019

I want to be known as a person who is understanding. I donā€™t want to be known as a judgmental or mean person. When I look at this fun picture called a…


Part 1 Nothing new under the sun, Solomon wrote. Seventy-seven years ago, first love, first date . . . alcohol. She said no, he said yes. She resisted, he insisted. She got…

Every Woman’s Battle: How Self-care Helps You Win

Letā€™s talk about something every woman battles: sex and love addiction. You know about that hunger you feel when you canā€™t seem to get enough love. Even when you get what you…

video - Me? A Masterpiece??

Me? A Masterpiece?? – R U Reaching Up? S1 E2 – video

Christian recording artist Debra Price used to struggle with low self-esteem. Hear how God helped her and the song that God dropped in her heart, called Masterpiece. For we are His workmanship…

Mary washing Jesus' feet

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2017

To my new and dear friend, Iā€™d like to introduce you to Mary. She has an interesting story because when she was young, she was out of control, quite unlikable, messed up,…


Jelly Beans Tell the Easter Story

What child can resist the bright colors and sweet taste of jelly beans? Grab a handful of jelly beans and share the story of Easter with your child by using the colors…

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