Becoming a Better Me

Pause in God’s Presence

Psalm 3:3 (TPT) You take me and surround me with yourself. Your glory covers me continually. You lift high my head. Psalm 103:3 (TPT) You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite…

abused lady

Breaking the Cycle – Conquering My Past

No child should ever be raised in an abusive environment. The mental stress is too damaging. That was so true for me. Watching my mom get beaten by my dad and step-dad…

ladies walking hand in hand

Sister Sister

Sometimes while we are getting our lives together, we have to live ā€” shall we say, a little too close to each other ā€” in the housing provided. Here is something to…

Letter from Editor – Spring 2020

What do you think of when you hear sisterhood? Noisy marches with silly hats? Old-fashioned women with nothing more to do than sip tea in the afternoon? Maybe you think of the…

lady with child in heart shape

Momma Knows Best

My Momma donā€™t like you ā€¦and she likes everyone And I never like to admit that I was wrong But Iā€™ve been so caught up with my job Didnā€™t see whatā€™s going…

holding a heart in hands

Letter from Editor – Spring 2018

Hi, Because the articles in this issue are so good, Iā€™m giving up some of my space for them. Iā€™m praying for the day when we can have a larger magazine with…

Fired Up!

You will never make it past the 8th grade! We think she is bipolar. Wow, Kyiva, I didnā€™t think you were gonna make it! All these things were said about me or…

All In to Get All Out of Disappointment

I was not allowed to be disappointed when I was a kid. In my family we always had to ā€œlook on the bright sideā€ and be positive. Maybe it was because my…

What a Murder Taught me About Good Friday Grief

Good Friday is the day each year when Christians remember the death of Jesus on the cross. Until I was 18 years old, I did not understand the grief that His death…

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2019

Hello, dear friend, Backstory: the story behind the story. I love learning the backstories of people and events. Maybe thatā€™s because I like the twists and turns in the process of something…

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