Mental Health

brain fuel illustration

Brain Fuel

Holidays are an extra busy time of year and sometimes it feels like weā€™re running out of energy. So whether youā€™ve added more activities to your day or just going about your…

Addiction – Get the Help. Don’t let Shame Bully You

I have worked with people struggling with addiction for the past eighteen years. In that time, I have noticed that a lot of shame is attached to people who struggle with addiction.…

This Is How I Fight My Battles

My coffee cup says, ā€œChaos Coordinator.ā€ Life at work and home does not follow a tidy pattern. I am good at organizing, but you couldnā€™t tell by looking at my office or…

The Notebook You’ll Carry Everywhere

At some point it happens. You find yourself taking care of your kids, or someone elseā€™s kids, or an adult with complicated health issues. Hereā€™s what Iā€™ve learned since Iā€™ve been taking…

sad young girl sitting

Rescued for Your Destiny

When you go through a difficult event, especially in childhood, some of your thinking and emotions can get stuck in that event. Though you go on with your life, parts of you…

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2021

Oh, my friend, This past year may have brought many changes in your life. Iā€™ve sure experienced a lot. Sometimes life just forces change. Last year, I unexpectedly needed to take on…

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Give Yourself A Break!

We all need to give ourselves a break. Weā€™re good at showing compassion / kindness to other people ā€“ but many of us have trouble showing that same compassion to ourselves. We…

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