
Letter from Editor – Spring 2020

What do you think of when you hear sisterhood? Noisy marches with silly hats? Old-fashioned women with nothing more to do than sip tea in the afternoon? Maybe you think of the…

holding a heart in hands

Letter from Editor – Spring 2018

Hi, Because the articles in this issue are so good, I’m giving up some of my space for them. I’m praying for the day when we can have a larger magazine with…

Fired Up!

You will never make it past the 8th grade! We think she is bipolar. Wow, Kyiva, I didn’t think you were gonna make it! All these things were said about me or…

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2019

Hello, dear friend, Backstory: the story behind the story. I love learning the backstories of people and events. Maybe that’s because I like the twists and turns in the process of something…

closeup of lady

Didn’t Know it Then, But I Know it Now

From time to time, we get articles from women who want to encourage otherswith their story of struggle and recovery. ‘Hope you are encouraged by Jen’sstory. When I heard about the Hoving…


Part 1 Nothing new under the sun, Solomon wrote. Seventy-seven years ago, first love, first date . . . alcohol. She said no, he said yes. She resisted, he insisted. She got…

video - Me? A Masterpiece??

Me? A Masterpiece?? – R U Reaching Up? S1 E2 – video

Christian recording artist Debra Price used to struggle with low self-esteem. Hear how God helped her and the song that God dropped in her heart, called Masterpiece. For we are His workmanship…


Jelly Beans Tell the Easter Story

What child can resist the bright colors and sweet taste of jelly beans? Grab a handful of jelly beans and share the story of Easter with your child by using the colors…

The Pilgrim’s Secret Weapon Can Be Yours Today!

Sometimes life is hard. Things happen; loss of a job, home, friend or loved one, can’t pay the bills, a betrayal, sickness, addiction…serious things that can discourage and overwhelm us. The Pilgrims…

Jesus sign

It’s All In a Name!

What is Luke 1:31 quoting? Why, Old Testament prophecy! This is the chosen time! And, as such, scripture tells what the Son of God will be known as – the sweet name…

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