
The Tonya Story

If youā€™re in a program, stick with it. People are there to help you. Theyā€™re not perfect. Neither are you. But God is helping you. Donā€™t miss what Heā€™s trying to do…

For Best Results, Inside Out

One of the many things I love about Reach UP is that we donā€™t limit our articles to only one topic. We women have many interests and concerns. And because God loves…

Donā€™t Bury Your Dreams

Relying on peopleā€™s opinions creates a very unhealthy space in which to grow. In my case, it was paralyzing. I knew my dreams were still there, but they were buried. The fears…

I Love Reach UP magazine!

Love This!

Reach UP is a magazine and so much more! Reach UP is an attitude that says, ā€œIā€™m gonnaā€™ do this! God is my Helper!ā€ Reach UP is a posture. My arm is…

Fifteen Years!

I didnā€™t even realize this was our fifteenth anniversary until a friend brought it to my attention. I was just busy doing the next thing and the next thing. Maybe thatā€™s the…

lady thinking

From the Impossible to the Possible

DearĀ Woman, who do you think you are? Iā€™ve asked that question to myself many times. Now, who am I? I am a woman who lives to feel. I am a woman who…

Pause in God’s Presence

Psalm 3:3 (TPT) You take me and surround me with yourself. Your glory covers me continually. You lift high my head. Psalm 103:3 (TPT) You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite…

ladies walking hand in hand

Sister Sister

Sometimes while we are getting our lives together, we have to live ā€” shall we say, a little too close to each other ā€” in the housing provided. Here is something to…

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