
Vision Boards: Looking Back to Look Forward

A Vision board is a collection of images, words and sayings that represent your dreams, goals, plans and hopes. My board may look simple, but it tells my story. For me sometimes…

Are You Ready For a Change?

I absolutely loved my job, but my work environment became toxic. I stayed longer than I should have because of the guaranteed paycheck. But my physical health was being impacted.So the day…

MONEY ISSUES – Where does your money go?

Kellie-Ann has assisted families in reviewing and reworking their budgets for the past six years in a non-profit Broward County organization.   It’s pretty hard to find someone who doesn’t have to…

Tonya’s Tips

How To Survive Prison… And Programs, And Jobs, And Troublesome Relationships Remain teachable See the big picture Know what’s in your Bible Live out what you read in the Bible Pray God’s…

Don’t Bury Your Dreams

Relying on people’s opinions creates a very unhealthy space in which to grow. In my case, it was paralyzing. I knew my dreams were still there, but they were buried. The fears…

Fifteen Years!

I didn’t even realize this was our fifteenth anniversary until a friend brought it to my attention. I was just busy doing the next thing and the next thing. Maybe that’s the…

3 of the “All Things” God has Helped Me Do

I am a country girl but I lived 22 years in one of the toughest neighborhoods in New York City … by choice! I want to share with you just three things…

5 Tips to Reach Your Goals in the New Year Now!

Many people make goals called resolutions at the beginning of the New Year. But almost as many stop working on them after a short time. Here are 7 tips on making and…

glass slipper

When the Glass Slipper Just Doesn’t Fit

Who doesn’t know the classic story of the handsome prince who slips the sparkling slipper onto the foot of the servant girl and discovers his one true love, Cinderella? It Is a…

treasure chest with paper and paint

Small Steps Build Big Arks

Imagine walking up a flight of stairs, but one of the steps in front of you is missing. Not too hard to walk over that one
right? Now imagine three or four steps…

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