A – Articles in English

Child image - broken from abuse

Not Broken Forever

It was a beautiful summer day. She was so excited about the new bike her cousin brought over. He told her heā€™d teach her how to ride it. So the two of…

I Love Reach UP magazine!

Love This!

Reach UP is a magazine and so much more! Reach UP is an attitude that says, ā€œIā€™m gonnaā€™ do this! God is my Helper!ā€ Reach UP is a posture. My arm is…

Special Occasions ā€“ 15th Anniversary Edition

The holidays give us the opportunity to make special memories with our children. No, I’m not just talking about Christmas morning when they open presents. Take the opportunity to create your own…

Fifteen Years!

I didnā€™t even realize this was our fifteenth anniversary until a friend brought it to my attention. I was just busy doing the next thing and the next thing. Maybe thatā€™s the…

lady thinking

From the Impossible to the Possible

DearĀ Woman, who do you think you are? Iā€™ve asked that question to myself many times. Now, who am I? I am a woman who lives to feel. I am a woman who…

666 illustration

777 not 666

Kids (as well as us adults) can get scared this time of year, with all the emphasis on the devil, witches, ghosts, and goblins. Iā€™ll never forget when the kids in my…

slasher face

Slasher Movies & Horror Houses: Unhealthy Fear

Throughout the month of October, horror or “slasher” movies are on TV for Halloween. Movies such as Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Child’s Play, and others show stabbings, people chopping…


Godā€™s Emergency Numbers

When you feel sad ā€“ call John 14 When you are lonely or fearful ā€“ call Psalm 23 When you have sinned ā€“ call Psalm 51 When you grow bitter and critical…

cup of coffee

Stress-Free Mornings

Mornings donā€™t have to be crazy. You can enjoy the mornings with your children, including a sit-down breakfast without the fuss. Prep work is key to starting your day off right. Get…

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