ASUNTOS FINANCIEROS ¿A dónde va tu dinero?

Por los últimos 6 años, Kellie-Ann ha trabajado por una organización sin fines lucrativos en el Condado de Broward para ayudar a las familias a examinar y reorganizar sus presupuestos.   Es…

MONEY ISSUES – Where does your money go?

Kellie-Ann has assisted families in reviewing and reworking their budgets for the past six years in a non-profit Broward County organization.   It’s pretty hard to find someone who doesn’t have to…

"go back to school" diploma sticker

I’m Going to Be Somebody!

Who says it’s too late to get your high school degree? Just because you have children, or because you’re older than the average high school student, or you didn’t have enough credits…

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