Letter From the Editor – Summer 2012

By: Crystal Wacker

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A coworker recently told me that she appreciated how I think, that I don’t think like everybody else. At first I didn’t know if this was a compliment or a backhanded insult. Later she explained that she’s noticed that I see situations and problems different from most people. Hmmm. That made me check out how I think.

I guess it’s true regarding how I use things. Most of the ideas on page 5 about creative uses for common items come right out of my own apartment. One photograph that didn’t get in this issue showed how I extended the width of a shelf by placing a stiff plastic storage bin top on it. Frankly, I enjoy my creations even when I could buy something better in its place.

Reach UP isn’t like other magazines. We don’t ignore difficulties and hardship, but we also don’t emphasize just the problems. We try hard to give our readers thoughts and ideas to help them reach up out of those problems. Everyone has problems. And as you will read in “When the Blues Isn’t Just Music,” everyone, even men of great faith, get down in the dumps or depressed sometimes. The question is, if it happens to you, how do you pull out of it?

First you have to find out if the cause of your depression is physical. It is possible for hormones to be out of balance. When I researched this for myself (at a bookstore), I found answers that made a big difference for me. Depression can also be the result of a bad diet and lack of exercise. Studies show that people who take a 30-minute brisk walk are generally happier than those who sit and watch TV and eat mostly junk food loaded with sodium and sugar.

Then there’s depression that results from tough problems. I want you to hear some good news. God cares about how you feel. He knows where you are and understands you.

You are not alone. Even though I don’t know you by name, I pray for you. I pray for women in cities all over the world. The person who gave you this magazine prays for you. We want to be there for you.

If you want to tell me your name, you can email me at reachupmag@aol.com, in Spanish at reachupmages@aol.com or “friend” us at www.facebook.com/reachUP. Our Reach UP team will pray for you by name.

Reaching out,
Crystal Wacker
Reach UP Magazine


You can find this article and more in ReachUP Edition: Summer 2012

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