Do-It-Yourself Tips from the Handyman! (Money-saving tips to make your life easier!)

David Knapp

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You have heard the saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, believe it or not, apples can also help keep your need for a handyman to a minimum.

Vinegar is a simple household item that comes from apples. Many home repairs can be done with the simple use of vinegar. Here are just a few of the uses for vinegar you can use.

Unclog and deodorize your drains: Use a funnel and pour half a cup of baking soda plus one cup of vinegar down the drain. When it stops foaming, flush the drain with hot water. After five minutes of running the hot water, flush the drain with cold water.

If the drain is just slow, pour half a cup of table salt followed by two cups of boiling vinegar into the drain. Then flush with hot water, followed by cold water. No handyman needed now!

Remove smoke smell in your house: This works whether the smell is from cigarettes or burnt toast. Simply fill a small bowl three-fourths full of vinegar and set it out in the room. In a day or two the smoke smell coming from sofas and curtains in the room will be gone. So if your uncle comes to visit you and smokes his cigar in your home, you can get rid of the smell after he leaves by simply waving a large cloth moistened with vinegar around the house. It will absorb the smell in minutes.

Mildew stains be gone: White vinegar applied full strength to mildew stains will erase them without strong chemicals.

Ink pen marks on clothes or the wall: Use a cloth or sponge wet with white vinegar to dab the ink spot repeatedly till it disappears.

Clean and deodorize: Kids’ lunch boxes or stinky lockers can be disinfected and deodorized by mixing half vinegar and half water in a spray bottle, spraying them down, then wiping with a paper towel.

Don’t tell your handyman about these little secrets. He may not appreciate that you don’t call him as much because you already took care of the problem.

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