
From Dark to Light

I am a 51 year old woman and I am a Christian. I currently live in Carthage, Missouri in a Homeless shelter. I have been here about nine months. And, I recently found God. I never would have thought that this is where I would want to be. I mean, it is a homeless shelter, right?! But, in this place I have been led to God.

I’ll start from the beginning of last year

Going on around 14 years as a practicing pagan, and not believing in God, I still found myself to be a very “spiritual“ person. Worshiping the universe, other gods, the earth, nature, the moon, etc. But I was not just a pagan, I was a witch. However, I thought of myself as loving, caring, nurturing, helpful; a compassionate person.

I thought I was happy. I practiced witchcraft, and for every obstacle I encountered, I thought that “I had the answer”. And actually, to me at that time, in my eyes, they were the answers. I cast spells to “help” others and myself, and it seemed I was successful with my goal?!

Little did I know that all of this came with a price. Even though I was a “good person, my intentions were not. My intentions were not being manifested through the right source. And, the company I found myself in, was not always as trustworthy as I found myself to be. Company that had the ability, through something not of this world, and not of love, to use the wrong power to affect my life. I cannot blame them, because I now realize that the witchcraft I used was not the love of Jesus either, and that alone took its toll on my life.

Next, I found myself homeless. Which led me to the Carthage Crisis Center where I am at today. They led me to Christ and made me realize the power of Christ is what I have been missing. The love that Christ has, that I’ve been missing. The faithfulness that Christ has that I’ve been missing. The loyalty, the promises and the gifts. And with all these things, there are no “bad consequences”?! When you are for Him, who can be against us? With the help of Christ’s power, witchcraft cannot hold a candle to Him. And the best part is Heaven. You cannot beat that!

I’m happy to say, that today, I am now a Christian, and I am never turning back!

Thank you.

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