
The Tonya Story

If you’re in a program, stick with it. People are there to help you. They’re not perfect. Neither are you. But God is helping you. Don’t miss what He’s trying to do…

Tonya’s Tips

How To Survive Prison… And Programs, And Jobs, And Troublesome Relationships Remain teachable See the big picture Know what’s in your Bible Live out what you read in the Bible Pray God’s…

marked up football plan

Ignorance is Not Always Bliss

MJP writes to us: In 2005, I made the decision to be baptized and attend church regularly on Sunday mornings. At the time I did not understand what it meant to have…

lady and boy

Back In My Arms – Reuniting With Your Kids

It’s an understatement to say that I count myself blessed in so many ways. I am extremely blessed because of my relationship with my children. Why? Because I was incarcerated for seven…

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