Gritty Life Issues

Something in Me Died That Day – video

by J.C. Something in me died that day. I just knew I had gone too far, and I made one last bad choice.   Hear Jenn’s whole story, and how, with God, her…

The Tonya Story

If you’re in a program, stick with it. People are there to help you. They’re not perfect. Neither are you. But God is helping you. Don’t miss what He’s trying to do…

Tonya’s Tips

How To Survive Prison… And Programs, And Jobs, And Troublesome Relationships Remain teachable See the big picture Know what’s in your Bible Live out what you read in the Bible Pray God’s…

Child image - broken from abuse

Not Broken Forever

It was a beautiful summer day. She was so excited about the new bike her cousin brought over. He told her he’d teach her how to ride it. So the two of…

broken mannequins

Healing for the Shattered Soul

Recognizing that many women have suffered some kind of abuse in their lifetime, we have asked Karen Rogers Duckett to help us figure out how to work through the pain and scars…

When Everything Screams: “Go Back!”

I laid there in the fetal position; nothing could comfort me. My marriage of twenty years was ending. Just four years prior I had left the only job I had ever known…

The Little Book that Made a Big Difference

I heard about Jesus when I was in a Bible study in a basement in the Bronx, NY. It was up the block from my house. I was fourteen years old, soon…

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