Becoming a Better Me

Letter from Editor – Spring 2020

What do you think of when you hear sisterhood? Noisy marches with silly hats? Old-fashioned women with nothing more to do than sip tea in the afternoon? Maybe you think of the…

lady with child in heart shape

Momma Knows Best

My Momma donā€™t like you ā€¦and she likes everyone And I never like to admit that I was wrong But Iā€™ve been so caught up with my job Didnā€™t see whatā€™s going…

holding a heart in hands

Letter from Editor – Spring 2018

Hi, Because the articles in this issue are so good, Iā€™m giving up some of my space for them. Iā€™m praying for the day when we can have a larger magazine with…

Fired Up!

You will never make it past the 8th grade! We think she is bipolar. Wow, Kyiva, I didnā€™t think you were gonna make it! All these things were said about me or…

All In to Get All Out of Disappointment

I was not allowed to be disappointed when I was a kid. In my family we always had to ā€œlook on the bright sideā€ and be positive. Maybe it was because my…

What a Murder Taught me About Good Friday Grief

Good Friday is the day each year when Christians remember the death of Jesus on the cross. Until I was 18 years old, I did not understand the grief that His death…

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2019

Hello, dear friend, Backstory: the story behind the story. I love learning the backstories of people and events. Maybe thatā€™s because I like the twists and turns in the process of something…

closeup of lady

Didn’t Know it Then, But I Know it Now

From time to time, we get articles from women who want to encourage otherswith their story of struggle and recovery. ā€˜Hope you are encouraged by Jen’sstory. When I heard about the Hoving…

Be the Parent Your Child Needs You to Be

Donā€™t just Survive, Thrive this next School Year! We all want our children to do well in school. Teachers matter, but you really matter! You are your childā€™s first and lifelong teacher.…

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