Becoming a Better Me

Tips to Keep Your Job Until You Decide to Leave

My first major job was assisting customers with their shoe purchases. It wasn’t my dream job, but it was a way to get some income for myself. Can you imagine having to…

The Tonya Story

If you’re in a program, stick with it. People are there to help you. They’re not perfect. Neither are you. But God is helping you. Don’t miss what He’s trying to do…

Tonya’s Tips

How To Survive Prison… And Programs, And Jobs, And Troublesome Relationships Remain teachable See the big picture Know what’s in your Bible Live out what you read in the Bible Pray God’s…

Self Care is For You!

Self care. Has anyone ever encouraged you to do some self care? Self care is not the same as being self-indulgent. It does not mean being focused only on yourself to the…

For Best Results, Inside Out

One of the many things I love about Reach UP is that we don’t limit our articles to only one topic. We women have many interests and concerns. And because God loves…

Dressing for Work and Loving It

We asked Eagles Wings of Grace in Tucson, Arizona, to show us how they dress their guests to prepare for that important job interview. Frequently, their new friends come back after getting…

Managing Stress in a Stressful Life

All of us have stress in our lives. If you have a pulse, you have stress. Stress is actually good for you in the short run. In fact, the stress response in…

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