Becoming a Better Me

Change your Focus, Change your Life

by Amy Wedel Tierra Madison may be only nineteen, but she lives by her favorite quote, “Don’t look back. Look forward!” Tierra’s story begins in Chandler, Arizona. This sunny location was certainly…

Letter from the Editor – Fall/Winter 2018

Dear Beautiful Friend, I hope you smiled when you read that. You are beautiful. And do you know who created beauty? God did. God created beauty. God placed beauty within each of us.…

Ajuste de Actitud – ÂĄlo puedes hacer!

inspirada por Harvey Mackay Los patos hacen cua cua   Las ĂĄguilas planean     Nadie puede forzarte a servir bien a los clientes porque servicio al cliente buenĂ­simo es opcional. Havey…

Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar

inspired by Harvey Mackay Ducks Quack Eagles Soar Attitude Adjustment That’s Doable No one can make you serve customers well. That’s because great service is a choice. Harvey Mackay, tells a wonderful…

Accidental Spokeswoman

  “One last time,” I thought. “One last time to drive around the peninsula.” It was the Palos Verdes Peninsula in California, home to the Trump Golf Course. It was home to…

What Will They Remember?

Many organizations and churches gear up for fantastic outreach events at Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. Often gifts of food, clothing or toys are given. Or perhaps a special service or event is planned…

lady and man arguing

7 Ways words sticks the knife IN

I was talking to a man the other day. He was hurt, but not severely. He will survive. Hopefully. The wounds aren’t deep right now. But he is injured. It’s an emotional…

glass slipper

When the Glass Slipper Just Doesn’t Fit

Who doesn’t know the classic story of the handsome prince who slips the sparkling slipper onto the foot of the servant girl and discovers his one true love, Cinderella? It Is a…

happy girl

P.S. You Have Everything!

A friend once ended a letter to me with “P.S. You Have Everything!” As I read the last line, I began to cry. Her words reflected a lesson God had been teaching…

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