Beauty & Fitness

honey and egg

Beauty Tips from Your Kitchen

You don’t have to be rich to look fabulous. You just have to be a little creative. But watch out! Some of these quick-fix beauty remedies sound good enough to eat! Olive…


E-Cigs Should be Okay, Right?

As a health care professional, I enjoy teaching people about health issues, including how to quit smoking. One question I am asked by those who are told to quit smoking is, “Can…

Every Woman’s Battle: How Self-care Helps You Win

Let’s talk about something every woman battles: sex and love addiction. You know about that hunger you feel when you can’t seem to get enough love. Even when you get what you…

Beauty & Fitness

Beauty & Fitness A woman of beauty is beautiful on the inside and on the outside. There’s no over-emphasis on physical beauty here, but it’s not ignored either! Gather all the practical…
brain fuel illustration

Brain Fuel

Holidays are an extra busy time of year and sometimes it feels like we’re running out of energy. So whether you’ve added more activities to your day or just going about your…

eat real food

Real Food for Real People (Big or Little!)

Have you ever wanted to help your kids eat better, but didn’t know where to start? Most of us have felt that way at one point or another. Eating healthy can be…

The Notebook You’ll Carry Everywhere

At some point it happens. You find yourself taking care of your kids, or someone else’s kids, or an adult with complicated health issues. Here’s what I’ve learned since I’ve been taking…

Letter from the Editor – Spring 2021

Oh, my friend, This past year may have brought many changes in your life. I’ve sure experienced a lot. Sometimes life just forces change. Last year, I unexpectedly needed to take on…

toasted pumpkin seeds

Toasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe

2 cups pumpkin seeds 1 Tbsp. oil (corn, sunflower) 1 Tbsp. butter (or margarine) 1 – 2 tsp. salt Separate the seeds from pumpkin pulp. (Just pull the fibers and excess pulp…

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